In response to the obscene legislative pay raise approved by the Louisiana Legislature in June 2008, the people of Louisiana need to rise up like never before in a show of unity that crosses party lines and economic standing. Despite public opinion polls of almost 90% the legislators displayed a callous disregard and contempt for their constituents. They not only ignored the overwhelming voice of the people and went forward approving a 123% raise, but openly lectured and criticized the people who opposed them as extremists.
This blog is a meager attempt to give a voice to those who wish to take power back from their elected leaders who have betrayed their trust and recall them in an unprecedented show of force by the people of Louisiana and restoring a healthy fear in the elected officials that they are ultimately answerable to the people.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
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So they haven't given themselves a raise in nearly 30 years, and because they at long last have, your panties are bunched.
If you even do work, would you do your job at thirty year old wages? No wonder the EURO is worth more then the American dollar, we are all catching welfare fever, wanting something for nothing.
Yes, this was a part-time job in the 1800's when there was only a few laws, but there are hundreds of thousands of laws now. Part-Time my eye!!! If you want the Rich only to say what is good for the everyday people and the poor, then keep plugging on. But if you want someone who understands what we the regular man needs, then you just may have to pay fairly to allow them to continue making laws that help all of us, NOT just the wealthy. These people are asking for $37.000, that's not big money. If you want to do something useful, Lobby the Governer for the rasies to be given by him, if yearly cost of living raises are given like everyone else, they would not be forced to give themselves a raise. I want my Legisators to be full time, we have too many problems to be second on their agenda.
I think the job shouldn't be elected at all, I think we all should be drafted for two years to serve. We all need to know the hardship of dealing with trying to keep our old job, and struggle to do this one too, understand the importance of the job and then have our report cards reviewed at the end of our term by the general public. That way, you make a bad law, and your friends, family, neighbors as well as strangers can harrass us till the day we die too.
It's never easy to do the right thing, look where NOT doing the right thing has got us, simply because it was easier. Regardless of what the stupidy factor is here, and even if that preveils, the next men in, will recieve fair pay, and therefore take our issues more seriously. You can take away the men who fought for fair wages, but you can't take the fair wages away for the next batch.
With all that is happening today, you would think there was something worth fighting for, like feeding homeless children or better Levee protection, maybe even local drilling for oil, something that had a real cause behind it. What's the problem? You ran for something and didn't win? Sounds like your gearing up to run again. I can see it Now, "YOU CAN TRUST ME!!I brought you Cheap Legialation!!!" Isn't that what we all need more of?
Some say this is fair pay. What is fair in the legislators receiving pay in the top 10 in the nation but our state being in the bottom 10 of most categories in the nation?
I think most agree that a pay raise was warranted but not in this amount and most definitely not one that is guaranteed every year.
The worse part is that the public opposed this however they legislators were arrogant enough to still pass it thinking we will forget about it.
I will not forget and I hope to see all that voted for this out of office in the next 3 years.
Well since you didn't have the courage to leave your name, I suspect you're either a close friend or possibly a legislator. In all candor, the final amount they approved is not overtly unreasonable; however, more than anything the absolute contempt and arrogance that was displayed by the whole bunch is what set me off. If its a public service, then you are committed to listen and consider their likes, dislikes and opinions in your ultimate decision. In this case, they basically said you're a bunch of extremists and we deserve this, how dare you question this.
For the record, I have no desire or inclination to run for office, now or ever. My wife would kill me for one, but more than that, the glass bowl they live in is more than I ever would wish to submit my family to. Which brings us back to the original point, for the most part they are self serving and selfish. While we recognize and accept it as a reality, we don't have to tolerate it. With this site, I am registering my displeasure and regardless of the outcome, the worry and sleepless nights these arrogant officials have as a result of this effort will be sufficient pay back until they are eventually voted out of office. In the end I'm their worst nightmare, a voter with actual principles and the brains to formulate sufficient arguments to help motivate others to do something about their abuses.
In regards to your other comments, the wealthy will always be the only ones who have the means to achieve public office because the campaigns necessary to garner sufficient name recognition and support take money and lots of it. So the issue of higher pay for more qualified individuals just doesn't fly. Also the higher pay = less chance of corruption is another falacy. Otherwise no U.S. congressman would ever be tempted since they make almost 1000% more than the current Louisiana state legislators. In reality, there will always be those who seek power for power's sake and are inherently dishonest. Just hope along the way there are enough honest ones to balance them out.
Personally I don't see a payraise, even an obscene payraise, as being the issue. The issue for me, is the legislature proved once again that they do not listen to their constituents. Personally, I don't believe they should be able to vote for their own payraise. I think it should be voted on by the people in a general election cycle just as many other fiscal issues are. I guess they correctly believe that they would never get a raise through that method as they would actually have to show the people that they deserve it. As for Mr Anonymous' comment about the number of laws they deal with....that is antoher problem in itself. There are way too many laws on the books now to "help me", I don't want any more help. Most any bill that makes it through the legislature gets butchered along the way with changes that either remove the teeth or add pork in exchange for votes. This back and forth between the legislature and the governor over this particular legislation is not different. it is all political posturing and back scratching. Politics as usual, Louisiana politics at their best!
Johnny, I concur with most of your sentiments. Be that as it may, the system is currently in its present form with all of its flaws and inequities. The real issue as you pointed out, is that the legislators chose to handle this issue in a manner that left the people feeling that they had no voice. That is the cardinal sin in this situation. Even when you don't vote the way they want, you at least have to give deference to their right to advise you about the issue. In this case, we were lectured, chastised and ridiculed for having the nerve to question their right to this raise.
For me the outrageous portion of the bill was the tie in to the congressional raises, fortunately that was dropped in the amended bill. If it weren't for the arrogant attitudes this issue would have died and most would have moved on.
Thanks for your comments!
At least 2 states require voter approval for legislative pay raises: Nebraska and Arizona. How can we attempt to create such a law here when it would have to be written and approved by the nincompoops in BR?
I think one strategy citizens everywhere should begin considering is shrinking the number of political jobs at federal, state and local levels; they don't REPRESENT us-they typically vote their own opinion and that is driven by potential personal benefits ($$$). This is not representative government, so what do we need them for? Let's get rid of lots of these positions. If nothing else, there would be less of them stealing from us. And, we likely would do a better job of governing.
Anonymous, as pointed out by others it appears as though you may be a legislator. The point you are trying to make is lost on me. When state legislators run for office they do so of their own free will. Those who continue to run term after term once again choose to do so. I’m proud to say that my representative Jerome Dee Richard who is currently serving in his first term voted against the increase in pay. I will remember this come next election. However, as a result he almost lost money for our district because of his stance.
The following is from’s web site of the Houma Daily Courier:
“Rep. Jerome "Dee" Richard of Thibodaux, who has no party affiliation, said a $100,000 earmark he secured for a dyslexia program at Nicholls State University was pulled from a budget bill days after he voted against the raise and signed an affidavit not to accept it. The earmark has since been restored, but other lawmakers haven’t been as fortunate.”
Does anyone have a roll call list of how the vote played out so it can be viewed? I would like to know in case any of the affirmative pay increase voters lose their seats and try to run for State Wide Office in the future. The arrogance is astounding.
See the link to the article above. This pay raise could be challenged in court. I would like to see that happen. state that they haven't gotten a pay raise in 30 years...I don't know any that have been down there that long. Most of those people were sent home because of term limits...if they have been there 30 years, it is time for them to go home. Apparently they can live off the pay they have had because they knock on my door at election time and beg me to send them back to Baton Rouge. If they don't like the pay, DON'T RUN. I promise you, someone else will.
About it being full time because the number of laws on the is supposed to be PART time. If it were truly part time, they would stop putting all these needless laws on the books that can't be inforced anyway. We don't need "hundreds of thousands of laws" government has grown too big as it is...less bills, less amendments to the state constitution and LESS GOVERNMENT! Tell me why we need a state drink? Pretty soon we will have a state coloring book...totally ridiculous.
Anyone selling yard signs? I would definitely buy several to put in my yard. "Enough is enough, VETO the Pay Raise"
How do we sign the Joe Lopinto recall petition? Lets not just talk about it lets do it.
The recall Lopinto group can be reached at the email address listed in the Allies in the Fight Post
Enough is enough! You can call it anything that you want but the truth of the matter is that our State government officials are stealing from the citizens of Louisiana.
The welfare of the Louisiana is at stake and unless we unite as a group and revolt against our unscrupulous politicians and remove, from office, every politician who voted in favor of the Legislative pay raise, we are no different from those countries living under a dictatorship and the kind of conditions that we as a nation strive to eliminate.
We must remember the names of every politician who either voted for the pay raise or abstained from voting, which is the same as voting for the increase, and remove them from office as soon as possible. In the mean time it is imperative that we call, write, or e-mail Governor Bobby Jindal and remind him that he was elected based upon his platform of government reform and the end of that “Good Ole Boy” mentality. This is obviously an ethics issue and a serious one that that.
We have an education system that is an embarrassment; streets, sewer and drainage systems that are beyond repair and need to be entirely rebuilt; a police force that is overburdened with crime and prisons overflowing, resulting in criminals being redistributed throughout our communities.
Yet our so called “elected officials” spend their time and our money debating about what should be the “State Cocktail” or “State Cajun Christmas Story”. They want to give themselves a pay raise for that?
We are their employers and as such, it is up to us to determine when and what amount that pay raise should be. Like I said earlier – Enough is enough!
Many folks afre willing to sign a recall petition but not initiate the process. Is there a way of signing electronically? Haven't read all the blogs. We can't recall these people fast enough.
Unfortunately Luzana, the statute that addresses the rules for recall petitions, does not seem to have a provision for electronic signatures. It appears for now, that the physical signature is necessary.
Does anyone know of any recall petition started for Edwin Murray? Also, I understood that New Orleans has scrubbed the voting records of people who have not voted or have moved since Katrina. Is that correct or just wishful thinking?
I had heard the same thing, the only way to confirm is to contact the registrar of voters office for the Parish of Orleans and get an official registered voter count. When they posted the registered voter numbers in one of the news stories, it seemed high to me if the voter rolls had been scrubbed.
I just heard on the news that the Governor has vetoed the raised. HOORAH -- he finally heard what the voters have been screaming.
I'm new to this blog and would like to ask a question. If this has already been addressed, I apologize. My question is this: how much money did all of these politicians spend running for a position knowing very well what the salary is?
There may be more screaming we need to do to get them all out!
Hey Anon welcome to the blog! Actually I believe that the amount of money spent on a campaign is contained within the financial disclosures that each candidate files with the Secretary of State's office. It should all be public record, so if you contact the Secretary of State's office they could assist you in providing that information. Needless to say, the amount far exceeds the $16,700 salary.
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